Refund & Return Policy

Return Policy Info                                                                                                 

Your satisfaction is our priority. We hope that you love the product you purchased. If the product has any problems, we are here to help you with a replacement or repair. Please contact us so we can address your concerns.
In the rare case that you receive an incorrect product, your item(s) arrive in imperfect condition or with missing parts, please contact us within 30 days of delivery, and replacements are usually offered at no charge. We cannot accept a return on an item after 30 days have passed.

Check your item as soon as you receive it! You have 48 hours to inspect your item(s) and notify us of any damage or defect. We cannot honor any claims of damage after 48 hours after delivery.

You must return the items in their original packaging and shipping boxes. All accessories from the original shipment (if applicable) must be included to receive a full refund for the returned merchandise.

If a retail package is opened for return will subject to a 20% restocking fee based on the invoice price. We will test all returns. Return for replacement or refund found to be non-defective will result in a 20% handling fee based on the invoice price. (If the items are damaged during transit return shipping and restocking fee will not be charged.). We will supply photo evidence of any item returned in damaged condition.




ATLANTA, GA 30354-3715

US Refund Policy                                                                               

When you return an item, your refund amount and refund method may vary. You can check the payment method that was refunded and the status of your refund in Your Orders. You can check the payment method that was refunded and the status of your refund in Your Orders. Refund Method: Credit card. Refund Time (After Refund Is Processed): Three to five business days.

Note: After the carrier has received your item, it can take up to two weeks for us to receive and process your return.